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Recipe for Living

October 19, 2012

Yesterday started out miserably. Well, except for the part where I get to wake up next to my soul mate. But after she left for work and I began mine, I was constantly reminded of the change in my professional fortune over the past few years.


Riding upright to enjoy the scenery

Things began to look up with a webinar to sharpen my grant writing. Things improved further when I hopped on the bike for the 10 mile ride to the offices of the organization on whose board I sit. These meetings invigorate me. It is such a worthwhile organization that does so much good and is so unsung. A one hour Development Committee meeting and then the two hour Board meeting. I am humbled to be in the same room as my fellow board members. Every one of them committed to the cause and willing to truly work.


Find out more:

Finally, the meetings ended, I ride the 10 miles home in the dark. I love this too; riding at night exercises all of the senses — keeps them all alert. Like grapes on the vine that develop more complexity when stressed a bit, I arrive home feeling revitalized. It helps too that the first thing I see when I walk in is the aforementioned soul mate ensconced on the couch being creative.

The rest of the evening is spent together on that couch enagaged in the busy work we both need to do, whilst occasionally stealing glances and smiles at each other and holding hands when one isn’t needed for our chores.


This is how we roll.

That was the arc of the day. I am thankful that it ended on a higher plane than where it began.

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